
the management membership


Many of you message me on socials to share how they’re struggling to move forward with their projects. Whether due to a lack of planning, accountability, motivation, external help or a negative mindset. You’re feeling lonely in this daily battle yet it doesn’t have to be that way. You have the power to feel fulfilled and accomplished as an independent artist - maybe you just need to find the key? Well, allow me to unlock this for you!

I believe everything starts with a clear vision, a few small steps easy to implement and a selection of habits to nurture in order to get closer and closer to your dreams every day. One of my ultimate moments of pride since the beginning of my career in the music industry has been to be able to build relationships of trust with the independent artists I’m working with. And as we all know, trust takes time. But the greatest reward is to see you evolve and slowly but surely ticking off those goals.

Let me accompany you on your quest for your own idea of success! With so many moving pieces to factor in, it can quickly feel overwhelming and discouraging to manage a music career by yourself. But do not fear: the management membership is here for you! Together, we’ll form a productive team, walking hand in hand, step by step, on the long-term, towards your music projects. And I can promise you that once on my program, you will witness that GROWTH effortlessly, while maintaining your sanity and feeling held like never before.

supporting independent artists as
they show up for their music career

I loved my first month of the management membership with Alison. She tailored everything to suit my needs and goals at the beginning of our time together and she replied to my requests promptly and in detail.
She even attended a webinar to learn more about one of the funding applications I needed help with!

At the end of our month, I felt I had achieved tangible goals and also had new input and feedback from her on areas of my work that I hadn’t considered. If you are an independent artist, I would 100% recommend working with Alison!

your new team member

your new team member

Alison's portrait, freelance music publicist at Urban Soul PR

1:1 monthly call &
daily support

In the management membership, I meet you where you’re at. Each month within the program consists in a 4-week cycle starting with an assessment of up to 3 goals that we will break down into realistic steps together, week after week. We will get good systems and strategies into place so that when dream opportunities start knocking at your door, you’ll be ready to seize them with both hands. Hasty decisions lead to no good: we’re all about alignment & intentional, sustainable actions around here.

Included each month is a 60min 1:1 call to dive deep and tackle some specific pain points but our journey together doesn’t stop there: you can find me every day in your personal space on Slack to cheer you on, share knowledge, brainstorm ideas & strategies, answer your questions, perform mini audits and give you that pep talk if you ever feel low. Since May, you can now also join a monthly co-working hour during which all members can hold each other accountable and you can keep track of your progress in your customised Artist Dashboard on Notion. Finally, because I want you to feel extra surrounded & supported, I have also created a Slack community channel where all members can connect & exchange more tips and resources.

And most importantly, I do all of this with a smile, love & care because your artistic vision, your success and your well-being equally matter to me.

I’m the Jay-Z (minus the cheating!) to your Beyoncé if:

  • you need some accountability

  • you’re planning a new release, EP/album roll out or live show

  • you’re tired of always brainstorming on your own & browsing Google for tips and answers

  • you’re feeling stagnant and really want to move towards your goals

  • your music journey is very lonely & you would love someone to listen, exchange with and get advice from

  • you’re quickly overwhelmed but can’t afford to hire a whole team to assist you

  • you’re craving for a clear vision, a fresh perspective or new ideas

Still not sure if this is right for you at this time of your career?

I loved working with Alison: she’s such a warm, encouraging and professional character and was so great at helping me organise my own work routine for an independent release campaign, making the overall process less overwhelming. She also helped me brainstorm ideas for social media and think even more outside the box to fully connect with my fanbase in many ways! Alison is just a lovely soul, a great accountability partner and music artist mentor.

1-month plan - 150€

Wanna stay flexible & take it one month a a time or do a trial?
Then this is the way to go! Included:

  • daily 1:1 support on Slack

  • one 1:1 60min consulting call

  • monthly co-working hour

  • access to the Slack community channel

  • customized Artist Dashboard on Notion to track your progress

pricing plans

3-month plan - 350€

Are you working on a big project (release planning, rebranding, expanding your online presence, live show…)? The 3-month plan is definitely what you need! Included:

  • everything featured in the 1-month plan

  • 20% off my shop & creative writing services (press release-bio) on

  • Spotify 4 Artists + Amazon Music pitching forms filled in for you if you’re releasing while on the plan

  • possibility to convert the monthly call into Done For You credits for Month 2 & Month 3 (I’ll do any task for you that takes the same amount of time - blog & playlist pitching excluded)

yearly plan
(closed for enrollment)

Ready for a steady growth? Let’s work together all year round to make sure your 2024 goals are all ticked off! Included:

  • everything featured in the 3-month plan

  • my Independent Artist Toolkit

  • free access to my complete workshop library

  • 10% off my PR campaigns all year round (subject to my availability AND my approval so please reach out beforehand to make sure you’re a good fit). If this can’t be honoured, you’ll get one free press release per quarter instead.

*please note that this price also takes into account my time off. In the span of the year, you can expect a total amount of 4 weeks off (max!). These dates will be communicated to you ahead of time.

what members are saying about this service

Screenshots of Slack messages from independent artists inside the management membership
Screenshots from Slack messages from independent artists inside the managament membership

Alison has really helped me get my music plan together for the year, breaking down all my goals weekly and celebrating my small wins too, because I forget - I'm always on the go!

I like to call her my Fairy Godmother because she does just that! She kind of transforms all my worries that I have music wise and allow me to achieve goals in a realistic way. Our communication is so special and her feedback is so detailed and from her heart. You can tell she's a genuine spirit.

Having her as your team member… it's a beautiful feeling. Because she truly, really, understands and cares about your vision. Your music is an extension of who you are. So having Alison build that connection with me and my audience is something that I'm absolutely so grateful about. I feel like I’m flowing when I’m working with her, it’s such a breeze of fresh air!

— diamantina



can I join the management membership anytime?

For the time being, you can join the program at specific dates, to be selected when filling in your form. New dates will be revealed every month. Streamlining the enrollment process and limiting the spots available is currently what I feel the most comfortable with in order to confidently offer the best service to my clients.

The yearly plan is currently closed for enrollment in 2024. Stay tuned for 2025!

can I pay in installments?

Installments are possible for the yearly plan. Please DM me before filling in your form to receive all the info.

will you message me every day?

I’m available on Slack from Monday to Friday and I can promise I’ll always get back to you within 1-2 business day(s). I’ll be checking in with you at the beginning and end of the program, as well as weekly, to make sure that you’re making progress and see how I can assist you. With that being said, the management membership is what you’re willing to make out of it: you get to show up as little or as much as you want knowing I’ll always be there to advise, brainstorm, teach, motivate or listen.

can you do research for me or tick things off my list?

The same way a teacher doesn’t do your homework & exams, I’m here to guide you so that you can get closer to your goals no matter what, nurture that self-belief & motivation, fill in the gaps in your knowledge and provide you with the tools you need to succeed. If you’re on the monthly plan and want me to do things for you or with you, I recommend having a look at my PR campaigns, creative writing or VIP Day services.

If you’re on the 3-month or yearly plan, you have the possibility to convert your monthly call into Done For You credits but that excludes blog & playlist pitching.

I have more questions...

Feel free to DM me anytime!