PR campaigns

Starting at €600 - fill in the booking form to receive the detailed pricing list.

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streaming push

2 weeks - min. 10 playlists

This package includes:

(for EP releases only): helping you DETERMINE THE STRONGEST/ PRIORITY TRACK of your EP if you haven’t decided on a single yet
• a clear email PITCH highlighting the strengths of your song and targeting relevant playlists depending on the genre, mood, message and audience of your track
EMAILING the curators (including follow-ups) in order to place your song in playlists. I’ll start reaching out to official Spotify & Deezer curators first. This campaign guarantees a minimum of 10 playlists of 1000 followers at least and ends after two weeks provided that the goal is met. We only work with Spotify & Deezer at the moment.
• a REPORT at the end of the campaign with links and a zip file with screenshots of the playlists.


blog push

2 weeks - min. 10 articles

This package includes:

• a PRESS KIT reflecting your image and your message
• a PRESS RELEASE with a clear pitch which will be presented as an HTML email to contact journalists
EMAILING my press list of targeted blogs & websites (including follow-ups). This campaign guarantees a minimum of 10 articles and ends after two weeks provided that this goal is met.
• a REPORT at the end of the campaign with links, a zip file with screenshots of the articles and the best press quotes highlighted.

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combo push

2 weeks - 10 playlists + 10 articles

This package includes:

• a PRESS KIT reflecting your image and your message
• a PRESS RELEASE with a clear pitch which will be presented as an HTML email to contact journalists
• (for EP releases only): helping you DETERMINE THE STRONGEST/PRIORITY TRACK of your EP if you haven’t decided on a single yet.
EMAILING my press list of targeted blogs, websites and Spotify/Deezer curators. This includes follow-ups.
• a REPORT at the end of the campaign with links and a zip file with screenshots of the playlists and articles and the best press quotes highlighted.

ready to shine?

but also…

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consulting sessions

€25 - email consulting
€40 - 30min Zoom call
€75 - 60min Zoom call

Choose up to 3 questions that will serve as guidelines for the call. These should stem from the following thematics: PR, streaming, branding, social media, release planning.

Email me your 3 questions beforehand so that I can confirm these are subjects I’m knowledgeable to help you with and let you know if this can be explored in a 30min call or if 1h would be more fitting.

Delivery for email consulting: within 1 working day. Please note that follow-up questions over email will be invoiced beforehand as an additional 25€-email session.

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press release writing

€75. This includes 1 revision, where a revision = complete
rewriting of one or several full paragraphs.

Delivery: within 3 working days, upon receipt of the payment & requested assets.

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biography writing

€150 - long-format biography (1 page).
€175 - long + short biographies (1500 characters max.
for the short bio - ideal for social media & DSP profile).
This includes 1 revision, where a revision = complete rewriting of one or several full paragraphs. Additional revisions will be invoiced.

Delivery: within 5 working days, upon receipt of the payment & requested assets.

“The consulting call was super helpful. Really excited to get to work implementing the strategies we discussed! Alison is very professional and knowledgeable, 100% would use her services again.”

— foreign