scroll down for the setting goals workshop


scroll down for the setting goals workshop 〰️

the instagram basics workshop: strategize

(level 1)


This is for you if you need to press the ‘reset’ button on Instagram or you’ve just launched your music career/new project. I will teach you how to build a sustainable & efficient strategy on the platform and how to use this social media to serve your music AND your audience.

the authentic branding workshop: connect

(level 2)


This is for you if you already have a solid overall strategy but now want to focus on creating a meaningful connection with your audience by remaining true to yourself & your values. Embrace your uniqueness & refine your branding!

the setting goals workshop


This is for you if you want to be intentional about your next moves for 2024, without feeling overwhelmed two weeks in! You’ll learn how to accomplish your music goals at a pace that works for you, with the right productivity techniques that will support you for a sustainable growth.

the instagram workshops bundle


This is for you if you’re really serious about using Instagram to reach a new stage of your music career! This bundle contains my 3 Instagram workshops for independent artists, teaching you everything from building a strategy, refining your branding & messaging and connecting with your followers to ultimately convert them into fans.

the close friends workshop: convert

(level 3)


This is for you if you’re ready to turn your followers into real fans. I will show you how you can leverage Instagram’s Close Friends feature to use it as a powerful conversion tool that will help you strengthen your special connection with your audience.